Quiz B3T3

1. 가 : 서울에 살아요? // 나 : ______________________________.

Correct! Wrong!

2. 가 : 공책이 있어요? // 나 : ______________________________.

Correct! Wrong!

3. 가 : 밥을 먹었어요? // 나 : ______________________________.

Correct! Wrong!

4. 가 : 언제부터 피아노를 쳤어요? // 나 : ______________________________.

Correct! Wrong!

5. 가 : ______________________________? // 나 : 저 혼자 일을 해요.

Correct! Wrong!

6. 가 : 그림을 잘 그려요? // 나 : _____________. // 가 : 저도 그림을 잘 못 그려요.

Correct! Wrong!

7. 영수 씨가 나를 많이 도와줍니다. 참 ( .......... ).

Correct! Wrong!

8. 친구가 편지를 보냈습니다. 편지가 아직 안 와서 ( .......... ) 있습니다.

Correct! Wrong!

9. 지금 전화를 하고 있습니다. ( .......... ) 기다려 주세요.

Correct! Wrong!

10. 우산 두는 곳 =

Correct! Wrong!

Congratulations! You got perfect score 100! 축하합니다!!
Congratulations! You got 9 points out of 10. Your score is 90! 축하합니다!!
Congratulations! You got 8 points out of 10. Your score is 80! 축하합니다!!
You got 7 points out of 10. Your score is 70! Keep up with your studies!
You got 6 points out of 10. Your score is 60! Keep up with your studies!
You got 5 points out of 10. Your score is 50! Keep up with your studies!
You got 4 points out of 10. Your score is 40! Keep up with your studies!
You got 3 points out of 10. Your score is 30! Keep up with your studies!
You got 2 points out of 10. Your score is 20! Keep up with your studies!
You got 1 points out of 10. Your score is 10! Keep up with your studies!
You got 0 points out of 10. Your score is 0! Keep up with your studies!

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