Level Test 4

1. 들어가지 마십시오.

Correct! Wrong!

2. (_____) 가 그녀의 머리를 곱슬 거리게 했어요.

Correct! Wrong!

3. 요즘 사람들은 건강에 (_______) 이/가 많습니다. 사람들은 건강에 (_______) 이/가 많습니다.

Correct! Wrong!

4. 어머니의 오빠입니다.

Correct! Wrong!

5. 세탁, 장보기, 청소, 식사 준비 :

Correct! Wrong!

6. 신랑, 신부, 신혼 여행 :

Correct! Wrong!

7. 병원에서 일하고 의사를 도와 주는 사람입니다.

Correct! Wrong!

8. 가 : 대공원이 가려고 하는데 어떻게 가요? // 나 : 저 (_____) 건너가세요.

Correct! Wrong!

9. 주사를 받다, 밴드를 붙이다, 안약을 넣다 :

Correct! Wrong!

10. 돈을 (_____) 쓰지 마십시오.

Correct! Wrong!

11. 한국말 참 잘 하시네요. 언제 (_____) 공부하셨어요?

Correct! Wrong!

12. 오늘은 제 생일입니다. 부모님 (_____) 선물을 받았습니다.

Correct! Wrong!

13. 경기에 이기다 x 경기에 (_____) . '이기다' 반대말 : (_____)?

Correct! Wrong!

14. 내일 늦지 마세요.

Correct! Wrong!

15. 점원이 손님에게 제품의 (____)을 설명하고 있어요.

Correct! Wrong!

Level Test 4
Congratulations!! You got perfect score 100! 축하합니다!!
Congratulations! You got 14 points out of 15. Your score is 93! 축하합니다!!
Congratulations! You got 13 points out of 15. Your score is 87! 축하합니다!!
Congratulations! You got 12 points out of 15. Your score is 80! 축하합니다!!
Congratulations! You got 11 points out of 15. Your score is 73! 축하합니다!!
You got 10 points out of 15. Your score is 67! Keep up your good work!
You got 9 points out of 15. Your score is 60! Keep up your good work!
You got 8 points out of 15. Your score is 53! Keep up your good work!
You got 7 points out of 15. Your score is 47! Keep up your good work!
You got 6 points out of 15. Your score is 40! Keep up your good work!
You got 5 points out of 15. Your score is 33! Keep up your good work!
You got 4 points out of 15. Your score is 27! Keep up your good work!
You got 3 points out of 15. Your score is 20! Keep up your good work!
You got 2 points out of 15. Your score is 13! Keep up your good work!
You got 1 points out of 15. Your score is 7! Keep up your good work!
You got 0 points out of 15. Your score is 0! Keep up your good work!

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